Gavin’s Odd Bits of Code

2008-04-23 (Wed)

JavaScript Sudoku Solver

Filed under: Web — Gavin Brock @ 10:36 pm
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Solving Sudoku with software has been rather fashionable at the office this week. So here is page that does it in JavaScript entirely on the client:

Gavin’s JavaScript Sudoku Solver

As could be expected, this is not the fastest solver in the world, but it will get there using brute force. You have an option to watch the internal decision tree or not.

Gavin's Sudoku Solver screen shot

Inspiration for the code comes from a beautiful perl three line sudoku solver by Eccles & Toad. The extremely hard test case from the list of incredibly hard puzzles strings at Sudoku Players’ Forums on

2008-04-07 (Mon)

CSS/JavaScript Animated Odometer

Filed under: Web — Gavin Brock @ 10:14 pm
Tags: , ,

As part of the Street View saver page, I thought it would be fun to see how far you have “driven“. So I set about finding an odometer. This proved harder than I expected since most of what was out there were static, image based web-counters.

So I set about some CSS hacking and came up with this:
Odometer screen shot

This is entirely CSS and Javascipt based and fairly browser neutral (only fairly common one missing is IE 6 – bleagh).

Full details, including API, here.

Zip download here.

Update: 2009/04/07

Two odometers should work too:

<script src=”odometer.js” type=”text/javascript”></script>
<script type=”text/javascript”>
var n = 9999999998;
var m = 10;
var myOdometer1, myOdometer2;
function run () {
var div1 = document.getElementById(“odometerDiv1”);
var div2 = document.getElementById(“odometerDiv2”);
myOdometer1 = new Odometer(div1, {value: n, digits: 10, tenths: true});
myOdometer2 = new Odometer(div1, {value: m, digits: 10, tenths: true});

function update1 () {
setTimeout(“update1()”, 50);
function update2 () {
setTimeout(“update2()”, 100);

<body onload=”run()” >
<div id=”odometerDiv1″ style=”width:100%;”></div>
<div id=”odometerDiv2″ style=”width:100%;”></div>

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